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Imagine waking up each morning feeling


Refreshed, Confident

Addiction & Anxiety-Free…


You Just Want To Be FREE…

For centuries addiction has beaten the belief out of men and women alike…to the point where quitting for good feels impossible.

Critical self-talk takes over, willpower runs out and caving in to the drink or drug, means you feel like you’ve failed, yet again, as the self-blame and self-hatred destroys your esteem and hopelessness makes you want to curl up and scream.

I get it because I’ve been there, and through my proven signature methodology, I know that you CAN permanently flick the switch in your brain and discover a new, empowering life of freedom and ease where addiction and fear are things of the past, and enjoying life with full control is your new, exciting reality!

Over the Influence Stop Drinking Program



Struggling with Addiction?

Imagine this ...
You’ll no longer struggle with cravings and you won’t want to drink, smoke, binge-eat or cave into that old drug of choice anymore.

My clients report that it’s like having a switch turned off in their brain, it’s easy and effortless and willpower just isn't required anymore.

You can easily be around people who are drinking or smoking and not be bothered by it at all. It's an incredibly empowering feeling.

 Struggling with Anxiety?

Imagine this...

No longer held hostage by relentless worries and fears, you'll radiate confidence and inner peace.

Social gatherings will become opportunities for connection, not sources of dread anymore.

Your sleep will be deep and restorative. No more over-thinking worse-case scenarios.

Reduce or completely come off of pharmaceutical medications if you choose.

“It’s going amazingly! Not a drop!

I even went to Spain and my friends had cocktails and I was not phased at all! I replaced wine with sparkling water.

It’s SO good to be free from it!

Thank you Viki!”

Ausra G


Hangover Cure Hypnosis Audio

Those nights when you had the best time but you can’t remember much, when you swore you’d only have a few but the atmosphere did a number on you… don’t worry…stick your earphones in, listen to this and in 20 minutes we’ll eradicate that anxiety & negative self talk, and you’ll feel better than ever before…


A PDF Guide full of techniques to stop Anxiety & Craving in it’s tracks. Discover a new found ability to cope, feeling calmer, more confident and able to attend that social event coming up – without freaking out! Strengthen relationships and make new friends so that you feel less isolated and alone. Or simply use them when you feel a craving coming on, within seconds that craving will vanish!

“I’m on day 7 of no booze. The weirdest thing – it’s like wine doesn’t even exist, doesn’t pop into my head. 6pm comes and goes with no ‘wine time’ thought! How very weird. I can’t quite believe it and neither can my hubby. “

Tracy V


Is This What You Believe?

You are weak because you keep failing – you try to quit with willpower but it always runs out.

You are scared you can’t quit and so you say to others that you don’t want to, to save feeling broken. You pretend it’s fine.

Sometimes you feel that life is hard so you deserve to have a drink – and relax.

Would You Like To Feel This Instead?

Strong and empowered, clean, fresh and focused with more energy.

Free from the alcohol and addiction trap and free of the dark cloud that follows you everywhere you go.

Calm, happy and peaceful instead of moody, hungover and miserable?

You probably don’t realise how critical your self-talk has become. You feel demoralised  and the self-blame and self-hatred destroys your self concept so much, you just disapprove of yourself more and more.

What Could Make You Believe You Can Change?

Change is easy when you know how…

It’s not addiction like you’ve probably been led to believe, it’s a habit. Because our brain always wants to conserve energy, anything we do repetitively, it passes from the conscious to the subconscious mind and makes it automatic, habitual.

The conscious mind can only focus upon a few things at a time before it becomes overwhelmed. Our lives are made up of these automatic habits, 95% of our day is automatic, habitual. Hypnotherapy accesses the part of the brain that runs these habits (the subconscious) and reprograms the software, similar to a computer.

What sets my work apart is that I use exclusive Neuro Rewiring Techniques. This cutting-edge approach combines the power of Hypnotherapy and Timeline Techniques with advanced neuroscientific principles to create lasting change in your brain.

Through targeted sessions I directly influence and rewire the neural pathways in your brain that are associated with alcohol dependency or any other dependency as well as anxiety and depression or any problem you might be experiencing. This innovative technique allows for a more profound and lasting transformation.

By incorporating the Neuro Rewiring Technique into my Hypnotherapy programs I offer a truly unique and effective solution for overcoming addictions, habits, and anxiety.

You won’t find my exclusive approach anywhere else.

 So What Is Stopping You?

You can’t afford it?

People’s homes and lives are full of things they wanted, ask yourself how much you want to be free of your problem? How much is it costing you to keep struggling with it? Keeping you in its miserable clutches, trapped in that never ending cycle. I would have paid TRIPLE to have the life I have now, if only I’d have known how good it feels to be this free from it’s clutches back then. It’s priceless!

Hypnosis is NOT a loss of control. It’s the exact opposite.

Hypnotherapy is about taking back control. It’s a myth that hypnosis is some kind of mystical woowoo, which has been perpetuated by stage hypnotists and TV shows. There are actually hundreds of research papers proving its effectiveness.

Stage hypnosis is different to hypnotherapy and I am a member of the Professional Hypnotherapy Association and a fully accredited Hypnotherapist bound by a strict code of ethics.

Perhaps you are afraid of going back and looking at what happened in your past?  You don’t have to!

It’s not about conjuring up memories and traumatic emotions from the past, it’s about healing the pain from events and reframing past experiences in an empowering way by taking the positive learnings, strengths and wisdom you gained from them.

So, Are You Ready For Change?